• Fundraising Zumba Master Class

    Estimados amigos y familia estoy organizando una Zumba Master Class para recaudación de fondos el Viernes 16 o Sábado 17 de Abril para ayudar a mi querida amiga Julissa Temblador Virgen quien necesita reunir dinero para una cirugía urgente ya que sufre de Fascia Plantar lo que le impide caminar por que tiene el tendon …


    Hey Party People Live Streaming Zumba GRATIS! Sabado 16 de Enero 8AM (Utah) 9AM (CA) 10AM (Peru) Conectate con nosotros y baila a ritmo de Salsa y Merengue. Vamos Zumberos!


    Hey Party People! In a time of so much uncertainty, it is common to look for a sense of reassurance as well as sources of strength during this pandemic alert trying our best to remain calm and thinking positive. I strongly believe our attitude is crucial during this trying times. Stay strong. This too shall …


    Join us during our 7th Annual Zumbies Halloween Bash ZUMBA TUMBA V.7 Featuring Josue & Jenny 90min non-stop dancing Dress to impress! Let’s have a blast! $10 Presale Tickets $15 At the door Purchase tickets via Venmo using my email josuemeneses@ymail.com with the subject Zumba Tumba! INTENSITY STUDIO 3411 S. REDWOOD RD. SUITE #7 WEST …